I'm very excited that some colleges and universities around the US are interested in adopting our book. Guity Ravai and I actually wrote the book "Step into programming with visual basic .NET", because we never found a good book for introductory programming classes. We never wrote the book with the intent to make money. Actually, I had two motivations for co-writing the book 1) I was sick of not finding a programming book that fit our needs 2) I felt that it would be a great experience to go through the process of writing a book at a young age because I foresee myself publishing a couple of books during my life. Most people that write programming books over explain things, or under-explain things for that matter. Also, most .NET books focus on teaching the language, not the actual programming concepts themselves. Right now, we have 2 adoptions that are finalized, and 2 other ones in process. Interestingly enough, even Borders ordered one book in New York! I hope that we get more adoptions because a) I'm a poor college student and b) If the book becomes successful, we will be able to revise it and produce a third edition c) The success will give me a thin entering wedge into getting another book published. If you are reading this and you are a programming educator - you can go to the following website http://www.kendallhunt.com/ravai and request a review copy for free!

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